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Sunday, June 25, 2006

a neophyte's survival guide to the world of work

this one's for the newbies from a newbie.
yes, you are just dying to plunge into the tasks and responsiblities and what not. you can hardly wait to put your best foot forward and prove your worth. you are just so annoyingly giddy to to fulfill you niche in the workplace. the excitement and the anxiety are just too much to bear and you just want to get it going.
pause for moment and think.. really think.. the work isn't all to it. it's a system that you're getting into. you're the new kid on the block. take some time to know the ways of the natives. you better do so. not for the heck of it but for better chances of survival..
Observe keenly. Open your eyes wide, listen closely, feel the vibes among them. know who's who, that whats, hows and whys. know the institutions, be it structures or people.
KMS (Keep Mouth Shut) a good dose of keeping qiuet is good. it helps you observe better. be careful with your words. you don't want to ruflfe some feathers so early do you? some can be so irritatingly sensitive over the smallest things.
respect. be gentle. be kind. be considerate. listen to advice when they're kind enough to give. thank profusely. make yourself available to them but learn to say "NO" when you know you can no longer accomodate them. take criticism constructively. don't judge. remember: you don't know them that well nor do they know you. judgments can be so harsh yet so inaccurate. beware of those who insist on little fallacies so they can pass on their burden to you. 'you're new and young, play messiah. please..' it's non-sequitor right?
be strong. it won't be easy but it would be worth it.
only the test of fire makes fine steel. pencils have to sharpened painfully. diamonds have to be polished excruciatingly.
be grateful. be careful. strive to be happy.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

pardon the surge

im so tired of explaining to people my choices and decisions. the worst thing is, they don't really listen. or if they do, surprisingly, they just disapprove and refute everything. why can't you just respect them and back off. this is how i want to live my dreams, now move on with your lives!
since when did being happy about your work and finding meaning in what you do considered "settling for less?" when you're happy, you're happy. end of story. even if doesn't fit into the conventional idea of success. read: loads of cold hard cash. i believe richard bach's wife leslie parrish is right. in living, we must deal only in the currency that is meaningful to us. would i gamble my life just to get a million scrunchies? what are scrunchies anyway but stuff without an ounce of meaning to me. the currency i want to deal with is called happiness and meaning. im working for my happiness not just to earn a million pesos. like i could.. (grin..)
people can be so difficult. strangers understand better.



.............finally! ;-)
im in the real world now! or so we call the world of work. im a teacher now in my beloved university's grade school. i teach third grade language, science and computer. flashback to eight months earlier, i was just an intern there. i've met the kids already and being what they are, i couldn't help liking them at the first encounter. i do feel equipped about the work but some fears and uncertainties are there still. this is for real now.. im still adjusting, blending in to the environment, the workload and the people. they quite nice by the way. i do feel the typical youthful overpowering urge to prove myself a good pick for the job but the only gameplan i have right now is to give it my best shot. i still have so much to learn and im craving to be taught the valuable lessons..such an insatiable hunger for knowldge..this is why i feel that i'd be a student forever; a student in this life-journey. this is why i wanted to teach, to be in a place flowing with ideas, open minds, endless potentials and unlimited possibilities.
>> i still have to take the board exam in august, wish me lots of luck..or better yet, include my success in it in your prayers..;-)
when you have a heart of gratitude, you will always find happiness and happines will always find you.
