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Sunday, June 18, 2006


.............finally! ;-)
im in the real world now! or so we call the world of work. im a teacher now in my beloved university's grade school. i teach third grade language, science and computer. flashback to eight months earlier, i was just an intern there. i've met the kids already and being what they are, i couldn't help liking them at the first encounter. i do feel equipped about the work but some fears and uncertainties are there still. this is for real now.. im still adjusting, blending in to the environment, the workload and the people. they quite nice by the way. i do feel the typical youthful overpowering urge to prove myself a good pick for the job but the only gameplan i have right now is to give it my best shot. i still have so much to learn and im craving to be taught the valuable lessons..such an insatiable hunger for knowldge..this is why i feel that i'd be a student forever; a student in this life-journey. this is why i wanted to teach, to be in a place flowing with ideas, open minds, endless potentials and unlimited possibilities.
>> i still have to take the board exam in august, wish me lots of luck..or better yet, include my success in it in your prayers..;-)
when you have a heart of gratitude, you will always find happiness and happines will always find you.


Blogger Jan said...

good going, jen. ;) i so envy you. am an manacc major but i realized later last year i want to teach, especially li'l kids. and you get to do that now. wow. ibog ko. :D

and oh, my nanay taught in xugs (for 37 years) before retiring last year. i kinda miss the place (don't have any reason to be back there anymore). watch out for *beep*. hehehe.

God bless on the licensure exams. :)

8:05 AM  

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