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Monday, May 16, 2005

the first encounter

april 11. monday.first day of class. time between 4-5:50 pm. science center 2. huge class.

sir p: (calls out my name) why do you need to study pol sci?
me: (startled) well, i think, being citizens of our country we need to know our constitution..
sir p: what's in the constitution that you need to know?
me: (think!) some basic laws and rights..
sir p: what rights...the right to remain silent? (smiles)
me: yes.. (smiled back, feeling juvenile and idiotic)
sir p: do you wish to invoke your right to remain silent in class?
me: i could if i want to.. (juvenile indeed!)
sir p: but you do know the consequences of invoking that right? no grade..
me: yeah.. (invoke the right, now!)
sir p: what are your other rights?
me: right to life..? (who's asking who?)
sir p: right to life.. does a fetus have a right to life?
me: yes.. (of course!)
sir p: why?
me: because it's a person..
sir p: is a fetus a person?
me: yes..
sir p: why?
me: i don't have a answer to that.. (expecting he'd stop asking)
sir p: do you know the seavo case?
me: yes but i don't the details of it.. (he's not leaving yet?)
sir p: why?
me: i don't watch the news lately..
sir p: how about newspapers, magazines?
me: (shakes head)
sir p: when was the last time you read a newspaper?
me: a month ago.. (i'm just being honest!)
sir p: what was the issue a month ago?
me: (huwaat!?) can we go back to the news?
sir p: ok, what issue?
me: there is this divorce bill passed in court..
sir p: what about it?
me: it was being pushed forth by this group of women..
sir p: do women have the right to divorce their husbands?
me: i don't know..
sir p: ok, let's meet other interesting people here.. (goes away)
me: ( gives out a big sigh of relief)

* what transpired that afternoon was just a taste of things to come..


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