think and exist
Just because we can think of something does not prove that it exists.
A long time ago, an intelligent man named Leonardo da Vinci thought of people flying in the sky like birds do. He liked what he thought of; he liked the idea. He spent his time playing with the idea in his mind. He even made illustrations of the idea on paper. Years passed and da Vinci died without ever having to see people fly in the sky. It never happened in his lifetime.
Centuries after Leonardo da Vinci’s death, his seemingly wasted idea took form. People conquered the sky and flew like birds using metal contraptions called aircrafts. In fact, people did not explore only the sky but even the space beyond it. Da Vinci thought of people flying and they did fly. With the help of technology, his idea became reality, a reality which is already proven. With this illustration, it is safe to say that the existence of something can be proven by the event that it was thought of.
However, existence denotes a present occurrence. Something is said to exist when it is real at present time. Real refers to something that actually exist and not mere possibility. Something exists when it is real in “now” time. Da Vinci’s idea of people flying was not real and did not exist in his time. It was, instead, a possibility. The existence of people flying cannot be proven by the event that da Vinci thought of it. Today, on the other hand, a person flying (by means of aircrafts) is not mere possibility but a reality which we can prove. What is formerly non-existent now exists; it did not exist then but now it does.
What does this say? This says that not all things that we think of now are proven to exist just because we think of them. What we think of now could be possibilities of things yet to exist. The things we think of now may or may not exist in a not so distant future. This realization affirms that man is indeed God’s masterpiece. God has given him so many gifts that he can turn his possibilities into realities.
*whether this train of thought is correct or valid or what, tell me..
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